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(2 edits)

Amazing job here; you've somehow totally snagged my imagination, and I loved every second of it. The creepy atmosphere, fairly unique enemies, the simplicity, the excellent gun handling, it all just adds up to an excellent experience. Solid 9.5/10, and the half is really just the color correction. I cannot wait to see the full game, keep up the great work!

Really nice, I like the HL2 inspiration and the atmosphere is great. I miss bhopping though :clueless:

Got a page setup for this game and did some runs! Love the half life inspiration

Once I realized you can scroll the weapon wheel the game mechanics made a lot more sense. As others have mentioned, the reload idea is cool and I liked the stark atmosphere which reminded me of Pony Factory. I assume that was an inspiration? Great job with this demo-- it shows a lot of promise and I wish you good luck on future projects!

I loved this game, I enjoyed the racking the shotgun mechanic.  
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10/10 but I feel like the character sticks to the walls a lot.


spent 5 minutes on the game and I already love it

love the way you have to reload your weapon

got pushed out of the level and into the void by one of the enemies


i got so addicted to this game that i spended 2 hours trying to beat everything with the bat

(1 edit)


i hate this game make me rage at the boss lol 

The game is not bad. I like the idea of unusual weapon reloading.

too scary for me but the bit I played was fun

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please don't rate the game, I want to keep it like this



(1 edit) (+4)

you fucking maggot. the funny is gone


I have no idea what happened, I was on the other floor walked through the door where there are like two paths with a bottom half creature, killed it and then went to break the box and then randomly some insanely fast creature scared the hell out of me, hit me once and then I fell into the void.

This guy also happened to randomly get stuck in place over there so just thought I'd point that out.

As you might have noticed, some of the creatures are lacking vital bodily functions, such as brains. This might lead into unexpected and weird behaviour, such as not stopping properly and accidently pushing the player through the wall. (none of this was intentional, the collision detection and enemy AI are just dogshit)

For demo it was pretty fun,but would be nice if monsters would have sounds of steps,also i liked mechanics of shotgun,pretty realistic,5\5

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really athmospheric, love it soo much, tho it lacks a bit on sound design in my opinion, maybe the "tottaly friendly non hostile creatures" should have some sounds, also the transictions on level loading could be a bit less suddle

what engine was this developed on?



Great game. Does feel a lot like a half life mod which is cool. The firing/reloding mechanic can be finicky, but i think it adds to the intense moments.


I loooove the gunplay. It makes everything so tense! The audio could use some work. Everything is a bit too distorted kind of like a deep-fried meme. 


This game has potential to be one of my favorite survival horror games of all time. I really hope that development on The Unholy Smoke is still ongoing, because I really loved this demo and the way it incorporated its mechanics.


I really loved this! I will say there are some things that would improve it (at least for me lol), maybe instead of clicking after each shell, should be able to hold it down to have them load (maybe as a toggle in the options, cus at first it was confusing)

and also the crawling monsters, they just seemed insanely fast compared to the others.

Overall loved it! Reminded me of cry of fear!


Honestly, brilliant game. Easily one of the most stressful games I've ever played, with the whole ''desperately trying to reload while things are running at you'' scenarios XD. Really hoping there'll be more of this in the future cause that was absolutely incredible. Like seriously, amazing job dev(s)! Your game starts at 17:03 on my video in case you wish to see me panicking a lot


Gameplay BR

Nice game



The game is a little scary, but in the atmosphere it wins. 

I really like the minimalistic gameplay, and the shotgun reloading is extremely enjoyable.

It will be cool if they make a variety of locations and monsters. Naturally, they will correct the balance of difficulty, add saves, new weapons with a pleasant recharge.

One of the few shooters that really hit me hard.

I'm really looking forward to the release.

That was a really cute experience. I like the shotgun mechanics. One problem: The fast crawlers can push you through walls. That can lead to out of bounds shenanigans

This was VERY well done. loved it. Took few tries to get used to shotgun mechaics, but only minute or so. I liked gun angling when player looks left or right. HL sounds brings up nostalgia, myst and visuals are amizingly fitting, i liked it. second monsters are sometime WAY TO FAST, but eh, ig you already know. I gonn follow your project, i like this.

Second in the line up. A great little demo. The more involved reload really adds to the tension. And I did struggle with it for a bit. But overall an interesting chunk of horror. Look forward to the full game. Really scratches that full conversion Gold Source era itch I get from time to time. Good work!


I love the enviroment and monsters. Hope you release a new demo or full game soon because you rock it!

Here is a gameplay (Spanish). Hope you like it.

Love the mood, the block of flats AND the description

I may be a little biased when it comes to zombies, but that was a lot of fun. Loved the reloading mechanic, it felt really fluid. Sad that the full version will never see the light of day, but I'll be on the lookout incase a miracle happens.. Awesome job U.P !

I made a video on your game if you're interested :)

I loved it! what a great time I had with this game, really good!

This was a lot of fun! I look forward to the full game!

It was a nice experience but it was a little bit hard to beat at the end. Nice work and good luck!

Absolutely loved this, cannot wait for more!

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